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Start Part


Start Part

I have created a customized start part with: - customized plane names - customized CSYS name - 3 axis in X, Y and Z - a square extrusion (most of my parts start that way) Now I want to add some parameters to this start part that MUST be filled when creating new part models, such as: - modeller's name - part description - client name Is this possible? If so, how can it be done? Thanks in advance! Best regards, JVidal PS: if can remember some other useful customizations for start parts, please share!
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One more thing: Is there a option that allows me to choose an alternate directory for my templates? I will eventually create a few diferent templates and it would be nice if I could uncheck the "use template" checkbox and go directly to my templates folder. Thanks again! Best regards, JVidal

First answer to the parameters is yes. Under the tools/parameters menu select the "+" and type in the name of the parameter. Next select the type, which in your case would be string. If you choose another type the input will be limited to that selection. Therefore a string will allow any input even if they are letters and numbers. Limits on parameters, no spaces, no special characters, basically the same naming convention limited in Pro-E file names. Answer to second question use the start_model_dir in your file and browse to your start part directory. Eric

Eric, First of all, thanks for your reply. The option for the file works just fine. I've also set up the parameters as you instructed, but I would like Pro/E to prompt the user whenever a new part is created. Do you know if this can be done? Best regards! JVidal Try the above link. It is a mapkey, but it does include the prompt for parameters (pre-wildfire), otherwise the user will need to you will need the create new model (part) to not have the use default template option set. Then the user would choose the correct startpart and fill in parameters. I would go with the mapkey and make that the "preferred" method in your organization to create models. Eric

Jose, Special Views and Layers are also often included in Start Parts. I have done what you are planning; my default is a BLOCK. In addition I have parts like PIN, TUBE, STEPPED_PIN, RAD_PLATE, etc. My Start Part also has a CSYS called M0 in the middle of its top face ready for machining setup in Pro/NC. A Start Model in NC can be very useful and timesaving. David

Eric, I'll see that mapkey tomorrow and see if I can get it to work. I'll give you some feedback on this post. Thanks. ------------------ David, That is exactly what I want to do. I'm just not sure yet which parameters I'll include. The Views by default in Pro/E are good enough for me (for now). I still need to better explore the advantages of creating customized layers. Not quite sure how to proceed here. Maybe you could give some hints (again...)? Regarding the CSYS, I've chosen to change the names of the planes so that the TOP plane is coincident with the X and Y axis. That way my Z is pointing upwords in relation to my part. We use Pro/TOOLMAKER here to machine our parts, so this is timesaving, indeed. ------------ And now, I'm off to sleep! It's almost midnight here in Portugal and I need to get to work tomorrow real early!!! Thanks again guys! Best regards! JVidal

Eric, I just took a look at the link you posted but I was unable to reproduce that mapkey on my computer. It seems to be a quite older version of Pro/E that I'm not familiarized with, so... I found, however, a TPI on PTC Knowledge Database that may be what I'm looking for, altough I'm not being able to quite grasp what is decribed in this technique. Could you please help me, once again? Thanks for your time! Best regards! JVidal

Jose Copy this mapkey text and paste into using text editor. files are easy to edit via notepad or Wordpad. This mapkey gets a new model going and pauses for parameter changes. Of course the mapkey could target your exact parameters, but I don't have those. This is just a basis of a mapkey. Good Luck Eric

Thanks Eric. I'm sure this will get me started. Best regards! JVidal

"Jose Vidal" wrote:

Eric, First of all, thanks for your reply. The option for the file works just fine. I've also set up the parameters as you instructed, but I would like Pro/E to prompt the user whenever a new part is created. Do you know if this can be done? Best regards! JVidal

in your confir file place the force_new_file_dialog_box any user defined fills will appear and you can enter them then part numbers etc

You also need to check the Designate box for each parameter you want to appear if you use the force_new_file_dialog_box yes option as Michael suggested.

Done! However the option is force_new_file_options dialog for WF5. Maybe the force_new_file_dialog_box is the option for WF4? Anyway, I got it to work and this was exactly what I needed. Here's a screenshot: Thanks for all your help! Best regards! JVidal[/img]

Screenshot. Can't seem to upload a picture in this text box... eerrrrrrr.... Best regards! JVidal

Jose, a few more thoughts: 1. You have changed a Datum Plane name to deal with what I have called the "Z-up" problem over the years. The Pro/E convention, for perfectly good "CAD reasons" (relative to X-Y sketches in the plane of the screen), is that Z comes out of the screen. This conflicts of course, especially for those of us who are going to take parts into Pro/NC, with TOP being the Y-zero plane. In addition to TOP being Z-zero instead, I have found it desireable that I look at the model with Z up on the screen. This can be dealt with in a few ways: (1)Use a custom CSYS instead of Default, (2)Use the config options x_angle, y_angle, and orientation user_default, (3)Redefine the Default Orientation (as opposed to the Standard Orientation), or (4)Define your own rotated view and call it Z-UP or something similar. BTW, I like to have reduced name clutter so I use the names X,Y,Z or X0,Y0,Z0 for my planes and 0 or 000 for my CSYS. 2. You asked about other things to include in a Start Part. (a) My Start Part has a Mass_Prop Analysis Feature followed by a CSYS placed at the COG using Relations. You have to Regenerate twice to make it update after changes. (b)You can also create a parameter WEIGHT and access the Analysis Feature to have it automatically calculated, as well. (c)If you include WIDTH, HEIGHT, and DEPTH (or X,Y,Z) as required parameters to be filled out when you start, you can change that default block at the outset without having to Edit it. (4)Other commonly included parametes include PART_NO, REVISION, & MATERIAL. David

Hi David, Thanks for your replies. I have my start part configured as I want it. I've also included some parameters that I want to use on my drawings. From your previous post I have only one question: "My Start Part has a Mass_Prop Analysis Feature followed by a CSYS placed at the COG using Relations. You have to Regenerate twice to make it update after changes." Don't quite understand what you mean here. What is the purpose of this? What does COG is? Sorry, but I'm still begining with Pro/E. Somethings I can learn by myself, others I have no choice but to ask the gurus! Thanks a lot! Best regards! JVidal

Jose, Sorry, I was playing a litle fast and loose with the abbreviations. COG=Center of Gravity. I actually even have an axis coming out of the Z-axis of the associated coordinate system ready for the placement of a lifting eye, etc. above the Center of Gravity. David

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