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I found some other posts relating to WF5 rounding and two PTC knowledge base documents(CS119870 and CS15033) still haven't been able to nail this down.
I set these options:
round_displayed_dim_values no
round_prewf5_displayed_dim_val round none
default_dec_places 3
linear_tol_0_000 0.005
Started a new part and made a simple cube (5x5x5). If I edit one of the dimensions, it switches from 3-place decimal to 12-places. If I change it back to 3 places, everything is OK until I edit the dimension value ... BAM! back to 12 places.
Upper and lower tolerance in a new part are also screwy and don't match the linear_tol value(0.0049999998882)
Andrew Kelly, P.E.
Design Engineer
Honeywell Sensing and Control
2080 Arlingate Lane
Columbus, OH 43228
Toll Free:
In Reply to Andrew Kelly:
Using WF5 M170 Part mode.
Most (not all?) of the time when I edit a dimension in the main window, Pro/E changes the number of decimal places from 3 to 13. If I change it to 3 place in the Dimension Properties, then edit the dimension in the main window, it goes back to 13.
I noticed that the upper and lower tolerance values are screwy (0.0049999998882). I haven't paid attention to these since I'm using nominal dimensions. I changed these to +/-.005, and the number of decimal places to 3. Still, when I change the dimension value in the main window it but still changes the number of decimal places to 13.
Part was originally modeled in WF4. Not sure if that is relevant.