Surfaces "A" and "B" sides flipped? Is there such a thing?
I have a model that just developed a problem with some surface curves near the end of the model. The model was stable at one time, basically a thickened surface that blew up when I was doing some minor changes.
The model is a collection of boundary blends built on curves. In one area I trimmed out a section and built back a sunken patch. To build the transition between the main surface and the sunken patch I used sketched curves. In these sketches I picked up tangencies from surface curves in the same plane. These surface curves are intersections between a datum plane and the main quilt.
The problem started when: I was forced to redefined some surfaces merges early in the model. It was after this that these transition curves lost their mind. (see attached image, one curve of many that have problems is highlighted in red). There are several in the image with problems, look for the little "pig tails" poking through here and there.
Details of the change I made: I changed a dimension early in the model, and a surface merge failed. It was one surface in a collection of say 10 patches merged all at once. To fix, I removed the problem surface from the list of 10, then merged it to the main group with a subsequent merge feature all it's own.
What happened...? The failed curves seem to be getting "inverted" tangency and end information from their parents. It has the appearance that there was some sort of an "A" and "B" side of the main quilt and it got inverted when I had to redo my merges.
Is there such a thing, an "A" and "B" side? Am I on the right track to diagnose what went wrong?
Couldn't find any thing like this on the PTC knowledge base.
Any ideas are appreciated! Thanks in advance, Bruce
Bruce Peterson Great Plains Mfg. Assaria, Ks 67416
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