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I admit to being very old school. I use internal sketches 98% of the time and internal datums any time I need a rotational pattern. At least with WF4, you still need an angle datum dimension in your pattern to get the PCD axis to show up on a drawing, that doesn't work for radial patterns. Maybe Creo has fixed that, I'm just starting to play with it.
I saw a demo of R1, by the time I got Pro/E installed it was at R2. Went to the first PTC users group meeting in Waltham in 1990.
In Reply to David Haigh:
I admit to being an "Old School" ProE user, and for the last couple years focused mostly on admin, so picking up a few design jobs to keep the saw from getting totally rusty is a good thing.
After I got into this, I couldn't successfully pattern the leg using the created datum anyway. Making datums on the fly for rotational patterns is so engrained in me that I forget there about pattern from axis.
Time for this old dog to learn the new tricks. I started playing around with ProE late version 4, took my first class in Boston the day PTC went public. 24 time flies.
David Haigh