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Wildfire 5.0
In the assembly, I have created a style with certain exterior objects blanked. I was hoping to use this in a drawing to aid in placing BOM balloons on internal components. The end goal is a drawing with various views with more and more components showing in different exploded states with BOM balloons driven by one single table. I am finding it easier said than done. Pro/E doesn't seem to want to do this. Any ideas or techniques/suggestions would be appreciated.
qnen, KC
So by view styles, are you saying your are using simplified reps? Unfortunately, pro/e or Creo has never really supported BOM ballons across views with different simplified reps. There are some work-arounds though.
You may want to visit this post Re: Create a BOM index between Simplified reps You may want to look in to pro process for assembly, it might fit your need better and it's really easy.
Simplified reps would work. In this particular instance, it is being attempted with combined state. With combined state, the component display doesn't come into the drawing. With simplified reps, the BOM balloons don't work. There is always the component display option, but it seems silly to have to redo all the work you did already in the assembly.
As I am now finding, this has been asked several times in several different ways in various forums, all with the same end result. There is even a PTC case on it. CS17807.
As everyone else has said, ARGH!
....first line should have read, Simplified reps don't work.
It's really unfortunate that PTC hasn't figured this out and fixed it yet.
If you have maintenance, vote for the product ideas:
Allow BOM Ballons from Master Rep Repeat Region to be displayed on Simplified Reps
There are probably others too or at least related ones.
Hello michael kuehnen
you have to "synchronize" repeat region and generall view simplyfied reps. It means, that generall view (where you want use BOM ballons) and repeat region itself has to be same simplified reps. Only this way you will be able show BOM ballons in desired view...