When I modify the ribbon, I’m doing it for all the users. So I take care that I only have one copy of the file that gets loaded when I startup
I actually have a startup script specifically for modifying the ribbon.
As for the issue of changing directories. We work with PDMLink most of the time, so you almost never change your working directory.
The following is from my Creo Admin 102 talk on page 25: What I said for each section of the slide is in green.
Startup Scripts – Customizing The Ribbon
Modify a Default Company Ribbon File
Should only load system .ui from start-in directory
Remove any personal .ui files
If you have multiple ribbon files that get loaded on startup, you’re going to have a difficult
time modifying your company standard ribbon file.
Several possible locations for the .ui file.
1. Load point
2. Local Cache Directory
3. Creo Start-in Directory
There are three locations where this .ui file can be stored.
• The load point,
• The local cache directory, which happens to be the default location,
• And the Creo Start‐in directory. This requires a config setting.
I solve the problem by making sure I only load one file and the location of that file is my
startup directory.
1. del "C:\ptc\Creo 2.0\Common Files\M050\text\config.Creo_parametric_admin_customization.ui“
2. del "%USERPROFILE%\Creo_2_home\cache\no_pdm_cache\PTC\ProENGINEER\.Settings\creo_parametric_customization.ui“
3. Move "%USERPROFILE%\Creo_2_home\creo_parametric_customization.ui”
4. echo f|xcopy " P:\loadpoint_configs \creo_parametric_admin_customization.ui"
"%USERPROFILE%\Creo_2_home\creo_parametric_customization.ui" /y /r
5. set PTC_WF_ROOT=%USERPROFILE%\creo_2_home\cache\no_pdm_cache\PTC\ProENGINEER
1. Delete the .ui file from the load point
2. Delete it from the cache file
3. Move any .ui file I have in my start‐in directory
4. After all these other .ui files are out of the way, I copy the system .ui file down to my startin directory and also change the name to remove admin from it.
5. Finally I set the cache folder to the no_pdm_cache.
• Because you are only editing one file, every edit gets saved to this file
• Go to File, Help, System information to see which files were loaded
• Should only be one
If you do it this way, when you look at what config files are loaded, you should only see one
.ui file, and that should be from your start‐in directory.
At this point any additions or changes you make to the ribbon file all get made to this one
file. When you’re done, just replace your old system .ui with this new one. Of course don’t
forget to rename it.
David Haigh