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while importing step file of gear,
the radius and flank surface are getting merged,
How can we have seperate surface/ face for both selection,
Image Description ( while selecting flank radius is also getting)
selected )
The surface for radius and flank should be different.
What is the nature of those surfaces in the source file used to generate the STEP? Is the source file a solid model or surface model?
Is the import into Creo generating a solid model on import? If so, then there is surface connection information in the STEP file that creates quilts from surfaces that may be visible in the source file.
If the surfaces of interest are separate surfaces in the source file then filter the export from the source model to export only selected surfaces.
Step File is generated from the KISSSOFT SOFTWARE and driectly exported into step file
You could try using the "Remove" command with the "Leave open" and "Keep removed surfaces" options and that should keep the surfaces as a separate quilt.
just a note ... selected surface does not contain cylindrical sub-surface (no round surface is present).
please next time upload data in zip archives. rar archives are difficult to unpack using standard Windows functionality.