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Who can help me im trying to export a STEP filewith weblink in wf 3.0. But when i use this function it's given me an error like [object type].
function ExportSTP(model){
var exportflag = new pfcCreate ("pfcGeometryFlags").Create();
var modelexport = new pfcCreate("pfcAssemblyConfiguration").EXPORT_ASM_SINGLE_FILE;
exportflag.AsSolids = true;
var STPexport = new pfcCreate("pfcSTEP3DExportInstructions").Create(modelexport, exportflag);
var naam = model + ".stp";
CurModel.Export(naam, STPexport);
alert("Kan tekening niet Exporteren naar STP reden: " +err );
> Who can help me im trying to export a STEP file with weblink in wf 3.0.
> But when i use this function it's given me an error like [object type].
> var naam = model + ".stp";
> CurModel.Export(naam, STPexport);
I think one or both of the above lines are going to give you problems.
The first of the two should probably look like this:
var naam = model.FullName + ".stp";
The second should perhaps look like this?:
model.Export(naam, STPexport);
I don't see where you have defined CurModel.
Marc Mettes
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I see. I've added theglobalconnection. and changed the model to just a loaded part. But it still gives me an error.
function ExportSTP(){
var mGlob = pfcCreate("MpfcCOMGlobal");
var oSession = mGlob.GetProESession();
var CurModel = oSession.CurrentModel;
var exportflag = new pfcCreate ("pfcGeometryFlags").Create();
var modelexport = new pfcCreate("pfcAssemblyConfiguration").EXPORT_ASM_SINGLE_FILE;
exportflag.AsSolids = true;
exportflag.AsQuilts = true;
var STPexport = new pfcCreate("pfcSTEP3DExportInstructions").Create(modelexport, exportflag);
CurModel.Export("test.stp", STPexport);
alert("Kan tekening niet Exporteren naar STP reden: " +err );
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