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filling in a surface hole


filling in a surface hole


Simple sounding question... i have a surface with a hole in it that I want to fill in. Boundary blend doesn't seem to work. How do I go about filling in the hole with a surface?


Select the face (so that it is highlighted pink in shaded mode)

CTRL-C (copy)

CTRL-V (paste)

In the dashboard look for "options"

Under that you will see "exclude surfs and fill holes" - click that radio

Mouse over the edge of the hole you want to fill and click it when it

MMB for done.

Hope this helps.


This is by far the best suggestion in the thread.  Its quick and easy.  Look no further.

It's good to know about the (hidden) option to fill the holes when copying and pasting quilts, but I do think that the remove function seems more appropriate.  It was mentioned in this old thread that the function doesn't work on "edges", but seems Creo is more capable now.

Hole removal example illustrated in Creo 4:








RE: Boundary Blend

Old method: Create a datum curve at the 2 hole vertices, create 2 blended surfaces from this, then merge these surfs with the original surface and end up with one contiguous surface...Just saying.

Boundary blend won't work for round holes. Even though the hole is made
up of two edges, the ends of the edges are tangent and the blending
becomes undefined. You cannot boundary blend features that are tangent
on the ends of the edges.

Instead, select the surface and copy-paste. During pasting there
should be an option to fill in holes and exclude patches (or similar).
Select the hole boundary to fill-in and all should work OK.

Christopher F. Gosnell

FPD Company

124 Hidden Valley Road

McMurray, PA 15317

a) Create a datum curve "diameter" using the 2 vertices of the hole feature. (Where the half-circles meet)

b) Select this datum curve "dia" and one side of the hole. (I.e. half-circle)

c) You can create a blend surfae from these 2 entities.

d) Repeat for the other half.

Please see attached figure.

Hope this helps.

What happens to the original surface? Do you delete it? And then merge
the new surface with the existing quilt?

Why doesn't it work the intuitive way? Select the edge and press

Sometimes PTC has a way of having great functionality... but hiding it
behind mysterious methods and/or way too many clicks.

Patrick Asselman

Why doesn't it work the intuitive way? Select the edge and press
Delete? Sometimes PTC has a way of having great functionality... but
hiding it behind mysterious methods and/or way too many clicks.

Because we don't create edges, we create features. Delete the feature
and the hole disappears. But that may not be what the OP wants.

You can use the REMOVE feature but not on the edge, rather on the
surface of the hole.

The hole surface looks planar. If so, a FILL surface should work.

Or suppressing the hole...

Or INSERT MODE before the hole, copy the surface, resume the hole...

Or do what Nathan said...

Or REMOVE the hole...

On 29.08.

(In reply to Asselman's reply via RUi's reply.)

It's not in WF3; maybe WF5. to chose the two curves and select Edit
Fill? It seems like that worked some time.

Selecting the edge and pressing Delete is not as intuitive as one might
think. Since the surface is bounded by the curves, eliminating one or
more of those curves should delete the surface that depends on it/them,
leaving only the remaining curves.

A good way to reason this through is to think of Pro/E, Creo as a
procedural modeler. You're not simply editing a model - you are creating
a procedure to create the model you want. The ability to edit the
procedure and have a model be the end result is what makes Pro/E, Creo
the software that it is. It doesn't have a way to delete part of an
existing feature yet, in the way that a straight B-Rep modeler does. In
the B-Rep modeler, of course, gone-is-gone. The main place Proe/E, Creo
has that does handle things like this is the Data Import Doctor, which
operates on non-procedural imported geometry. Everywhere else, you don't
really delete a feature, you delete the procedure that creates a
feature. That's how suppress works, just less permanent than delete.

Of the methods mentioned, the copy and paste method allows multiple
holes to be eliminated in one step, while the add-curve and blend takes
three or more steps, depending on the desire to merge the new surfaces
with the old ones. I know that Fill works when you create a sketch, but
will need to be merged to create a single surface.

The original surface likely has to stay as that is what the copy/paste
procedure is based on. It's why you won't be asked where it goes as it
is placed exactly as the original was placed.

Dave S.

Using the Import Data Doctor on imported geometry, you can simply select one inner edge and hit Delete and the full inner contour is removed.
So PTC has the functionality, but not always where you want it.
Maybe the new Flexible Modeling Option available with Creo 2.0 has this capability.


Extrude > surface > cut at the extents of the hole in an appropriate 'square' boundary, back fill with boundary blend with tan boundary conditions.

In Creo 2.0 you can select the quilt edges and use the Remove editing tool.

body{font-family: Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:9pt;background-color: #ffffff;color: black;}Pro Users,Though there are assumptions that always need to be made, I've been a little surprised at some of the responses to this request. The original post and picture showed a set of surfaces with a hole through one of the surfaces. It appears that the surface with the hole in it is flat, though that could be an illusion.The answers about "extrud up to surface" were assuming this was a solid. The post and picturetalk about and show a surface with no thickness.Extrusion won't work here.If it is truly flat, there are manysolutions, one of which is: edit>fill, use the plane that the hole resides as your sketch surface, use the edges of the hole as your sketch, done. Then merge the original surface with the "fill" and you get a perfect surface with no evidence of the hole. This method won't work on a curved surface, so this is not as helpful as the one below.If the surface is curved, or worse, convoluted, there are several good solutions and many bad ones. The easiest is Copy > Paste the offending surface, and use the "exclude holes" option to eliminate the hole. Then you have to merge the new surface back in to replace the one with the hole in it.Another method is to copy the surface, trim it back past the hole, extend it across the hole, and merge it back into the original surface (this was the method before the "exclude holes" option exsited).The methods suggesting "put a line across the hole, make 2 boundary blends, merge the boundary blends into the original surface" are a bit hokey. While Pro/E has improved assumptions, and on a flat surface the patch will not show (in the old days the boundary of the patch would show, even ona flat surface), on a curved surface it WILL show because the boundary blend is not the same as the original suface. It is a fake solution. Take a look at the attached image to see what I mean. The left is a "boundary blend" solution, on the right is a "copy, paste,exclude holes" solution. If you want a solution that works no matter what type of surface you're dealing with, use the copy>paste.If the hole cuts across multiple surfaces, this becomes even more important, and the boundary blend even more troublesome.Regards, Jeff--Jeff Sampson -

Great summary, but I'd like to add another. If the surface is imported from another model, I think I remember options in Import data doctor that will let you 'heal' the holes as well. This keeps you from having the copy of the surface needed.

I agree the other 'fixes' are not complete. You will find that although you can create a patch that fills the hole, matching the curvature is problematic.

The best solution is to 'untrim' the hole from the original surface. The original surface is completely defined (even through the hole) first and then the hole border is removed from the surface, even with imported STEP or IGES surfaces. You can see this if you show the surface mesh (u,v lines). They don't distort around the holes, but pass through them.

Christopher F. Gosnell

FPD Company

124 Hidden Valley Road

McMurray, PA 15317
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