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I am really wishing for something like inventor or solidwarks has for orienting a 3d model by using a cube up in the corner. I HATE that i have to click on a menu in order to orient it.
ANy advice for someone converting from inventor?
Dynamic orientation is pretty quick, so I'll guess you are trying for orthographic orientations. For that, it's easy to create mapkeys. You can set them to select set orientations by name or use axis rotations; For example: Move to the Front View or Rotate 90 about Vertical (screen) Axis.
For dynamic orientation I prefer not to use the model spin center. It's more useful to use the mode where the spinning is projected onto the model geometry.
Yep, use mapkeys to change the orientation. I don't even have to move my mouse to switch to my front view (or top/bottom/left/right). With one hand on the mouse and one hand on the keyboard 🙂
thanks for the reply. I think I will just have to get used to it being different, not bad different.
do you know if there is a way to make it so my middle mouse button drags the model rather than rotates it? and so shift+middle mouse is the rotate?