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parameter assign

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parameter assign

I have a a dimension X=1.94 mm,But when i use itos(x), i get the parameter assign as 2mm. I want the the parameter to get the same valve as the dimension ie 1.94. Please Help.
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In the relation y=itos(x), y is the string of the numeric expression x. If x is not an integer, it will be rounded off. I don't know what you're trying to accomplish so I don't why you can't use x directly.

I had this issue awhile ago and was given a solution, though it is a bit invovled. You also have to have a set number of characters after the decimal point. DIM=1.94 DIM_A=FLOOR(DIM) DIM_B=(DIM-DIM_A)*100 DIM_STING=ITOS(DIM_A)+"."+ITOS(DIM_B)

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