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we are using Proe WF 4.
I would like to plot drawings by a vba tool, but it doesn't work.
Does anyone know how to do this or have an example?
Thanks, in advance
From searching "plot" & "vba" I found thiw. It was from this link (but he couldn't get the pen table to work). You could see if he was able to resolve that:
Thanks, Dale
Hello all,
I am actually trying to export TIF using VBA. I was able to export a TIFF using the follewing lines :
Set pPlotInstructions = pPlotInstructionsMaker.Create("TIFF")
Set pSheetOwner = iModel
pPlotInstructions.PaperSize = pSheetOwner.GetSheetData(0).SheetSize
pPlotInstructions.UserScale = 1
pPlotInstructions.OutputQuality = 2
iModel.Export iPath & Mid(pFileName, 1, InStr(pFileName, ".")) & "tif", pPlotInstructions
Do not care about the filename... Everything works well except (there is always an "except"...) that I can not apply a pen table on my exported tif. I did not find anything in the plot instructions which could help me defining one.
I tried to enforce a default pen table, a default PCF, Nothing works. When I export manually everything goes well but using this macro, I lose my pens configuration...
Can anyone help me ?
Same question, how to export tiff files of multiple drawing at same time? i don’t want to export individually.