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In the attached part, I'm converting the center axis (A_34)to a set datum, and trying to change the name to "B". I get the error: "Name Already Exists". Only problem is... it doesn't exist! At least not that I can find. I'm running Wildfire 4.0 - M180. I've attached the part if anyone would like to take a stab at it. Appreciate any input.
Open a new part file and copy the features over "from different model" and "independent" using new refs. This
Oh and I just realized you have features copied froman external model that is missing. There could be afeaturenamed "B"in there somewhere preventing you from using it.'s in your copied features somewhere. I deleted the features with the external refs, copied the remaining features to a new part and named an axis to "B"
Thanx Dean... great insights into this issue. I've always known Pro/E is real "grabby" and doesn't seem to "forget" anything! Unfortunately, this part is one of a large assembly and needs the references shown here as missing. (When in assembly, they're fine.) I think I'll go ahead and just use another name for the datum axis, and press on. Thanks for digging into this though... I learned something!