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We found that rebooting the PC addressed this.
However, logging out was not enough.
In Reply to alfonso medina:
Just FYI...
A user got this error trying to open WF4 linked to an intralink 3.4
The solution is to open a command line
type the command:
netstat -o
and look for any pid that is using the port 1239. In our case it was a
database front end.
I found a permanent solution too. I haven't tried it because I'm not in the
IT group, but basically one takes 1239 out of the pool of ports.
Use the following registry key to take the port out of the general port pool
in Windows. Your problems will go away.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
If i get the error again I'll just search my email now, but I hope it helps
someone else too. some of these errors are hard to detect.