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variable text in patterns


variable text in patterns

That worked, thanks Wayne.

---- Wayne Nivens <-> wrote:
> Chris,
> Got this off the exploder several years ago so it's a bit dated but should still work.
> 1) In your text sketch, sketch a point dimensioned X units away from zero.
> 2) Create a sketcher relationship, LABEL=itos(sd0/X) (or whatever the sd# of the X dimension
> was). The ITOS function is "integer to string" and the equation sets the text at X units="1",
> X*2 units="2", etc.
> 3) Create your sketched text and choose LABEL as the driving parameter. sketch your text
> relative to the sketch point you just created, that way the text label and the point will
> move together. The simplest would be to draw the text line straight up from the point and
> then set the text to be centered horizontally.
> 4) Finish the sketch. Modify the X dimension and watch the fun (if you did it correctly, the
> number will rapidly change as it dynamically moves the location)
> 5) Create a dimension pattern picking the X and incrementing by X.
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How would I go about a text pattern in two directions, X and Y

For example a 4x8 configuration starting with 401 in upper left corner @x6” and y10” with an x and y pitch of 3”

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