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Hello there,
this should be a very simple thing to do I just cannot figure it out how.
Basically how do I create a new template, so that I can add my logo, revisions chart, and so on?
the basic tutorial uses default templates so it really does not help on this matter.
I appreciate any feedback on this matter
Start a new design and put everything that you want in it - catalog items, datatables, properties, etc.
Then use File > Save a Copy and change the type from Design to Design Template.
Under File > Options > Directories, you can specify the location of the folder in which you saved the template. Be sure to save your Creo Schematics defaults so it remembers this.
I have no had a chance to try but I will
OK, I have tried it but it does not work as I expected.
I did what you recommended
so when I start a new project I choose use template, and I bring the saved template
so it opens the sheet I left in my template
now when I try yo add another design sheet the catalog template opens with the defualt templates including the PTC logo. I have exported the exported the sheet with the template I want and added to the catalog but I do nto see it available..
what I would like to do is that, start with my template then if I need to add another design sheet I can keep using my custom template.
what may I be doing wrong?
Thanks for the advise
That is a lesson I learned the hard way. Start clean or with your original template and do not add any parts or other items (like sheets) that you do not want in everything.
Edit your sheet templates but do not add a sheet to check them until you have saved the template.
Before you save the new template, make a copy of your old one with a name that lets you know when it was from. That is insurance in case you have to go back to it.
I think that there was a little confusion here.
There is the template design that is used when you start and sheet templates.
In the Catalog Explorer, you can select Design Templates as the type and add new templates for different sheet sizes or border/title block information.
You will need to be in librarian mode to add or edit them.
Here is the list of ones we presently have in our system.
As in my other message, open your template design and ONLY add design templates. Do not actually add any sheets to the design since anything you do will become permanent additions when you create new designs.
Hello, Needed help in creating that new logo in the template sheet.
Thank you.