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Is there anyway I can prevent an assembly component to not pass through a surface that bounds its motion?


Is there anyway I can prevent an assembly component to not pass through a surface that bounds its motion?

Is there a set up that makes a component to be bounded by a surface?.

I have an assembly that has a ball inside of a cylindrical surface. I would like to have a mechanism that the ball rides the surface, instead of passing through (penetrating) it.

Cam mechanism won't work because the ball is not suppose to be rolling but just slipping.


This is how I would have resolve the problem if I would have used SolidWorks:


In the motion manager you need to create a contact constraint and pick all the bodies that you want to be included for collision analysis in your model. If you drop a ball from a height to a surface it will pass through unless both parts are included in the contact constraint.


The icon is located on the motion study tab between the spring and gravity icons and looks like a cam and a follower. Select all the parts you want contact to be detected for.



Please let me know.

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