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Hi all,
Does anybody has an example of using OTK function xthrow. Curiously enough there are quite a number of examples of xcatch but nothing demonstrates an intended usage of xthrow.
Happy New Year.
Hi Felix,
I think you can't create ProEXExceptions outside of action listeners.
You can catch ProE Exceptions with something like this :
try {
pfcSession_ptr session = pfcGetProESession();
} xcatchbegin
Otherwise you can use the normal C++ way to throw excpetions like this:
try {
throw 20;
} catch (int e) {
cout << "An exception occurred. Exception Nr. " << e << '\n';
So I think you can mix it up (never tested) like this:
try {
} catch (int e) {
} xcatchbegin
it could work, but I'm not on my workstation at this time, so I can test it later :)
Happy New Year to you too,
Best regards,
Hi all,
You are correct - we can use C++ 'native' throw functionality.
IMHO it defeats the purpouse of handling OTK specific errors.
Here is a code snippet from OTKAsyncXSimplemode.cxx
pfcSession_ptr ses = pfcGetProESession();
pfcAsyncConnection_ptr connection = pfcAsyncConnection::GetActiveConnection();
xcatch (cipXException, ciperr)
cout << "cip exception caught: " << ciperr << endl;
catch(...) {
If we would use 'throw' in our own code then the only thing we could do is to use the later 'catch' statement.
If one would expand xcatchbegin macro defined in cipxobj.h :
catch (xthrowable *__exc__) \
xthrowable_ptr __exc__ptr__ ((xthrowable *) __exc__); \
if (0) {
then we could see that whatever is thrown by xthrow function is initialized into some kind of smart pointer ( inherits from xobject which looks very similar to boost shared pointer) and the original exception instance being released.
Then control over smart pointer is passed to a some kind of reflection via xcatch macro:
} else if (TYPE::isObjKindOf (__exc__ptr__)) { \
void xthrow (xthrowable_ptr value);
And there we are back to my question which was how to use xthrow function.
In Reply to Eike Petersen:
Hi Felix,
I think you can't create ProEXExceptions outside of action listeners.
You can catch ProE Exceptions with something like this :
try {
pfcSession_ptr session = pfcGetProESession();
} xcatchbegin
cout<xcatchend< pre=">
Otherwise you can use the normal C++ way to throw excpetions like this:
<pre>try {
throw 20;
} catch (int e) {
cout << "An exception occurred. Exception Nr. " << e << '\n';
So I think you can mix it up (never tested) like this:
try {
} catch (int e) {
} xcatchbegin
it could work, but I'm not on my workstation at this time, so I can test it later :)
Happy New Year to you too,
Best regards,
Hi all,
Finally figured outhow to do it. There is pfcXInAMethod which inherits from xthrowable.
The syntax:
pfcXInAMethod::Throw("throwing function name","message");