Hi all, my name is Gorka Garcia... I work by Integral PLM Experts, Partner PTC Spain
I've a customer that ask me about Thermal Analysis axisymmetric
I've the load input (Vertical Line 45 W/m^2) and output (Horizontal Line -45 W/m^2)
The constraints temperature is 25ºC
The material is water... Then the properties of water for Coef. Poisson and Young Module are similar to Steel ( a small cheat )
The result of Flux (W/m^2) is this.... initial in yellow curve zone and finished in output horizontal line... when should begin in input vertical line and continue to output horizontal line.
Also I should get the curves that go from line input to line output... as example this image of customer.
Who can you help me?
Gorka Garcia
Does this help?
Hello Mr Charles
Not Exactly, but I believed which direction flux began in yellow corner... now I see that the direction flux is correct.
I need to get the "curves" 2D from input to output. These "2D" curves are to design the 3D model.
Thanks... I hope can you help me.... or other colleagues too.
Do you mean contours of equal flux?
I have just re-read you reply. I realise I don't fully understand what you need.
Can you explain more?
Hello Good Morning Mr Charles and all,
The first Answer that said me is correct, but I don't need arrow,
I need the same but with curves...
Curves which initially begin from vertical line Input to horizontal line output
The customer need the curves for improve the model 3D from 2D curves... and the water flow is more homogeneous
Hi all and Mr. Charles
Our customer is working with Creo Parametric... But use "I-deas" for simulation
And with "I-deas" can to get these curves... with an analysis thermal.
I understand. I don't think it's possible. Does anyone else have any thoughts?
You want the temperature 'streamlines'.
Each of these streamlines can start from an arbitrary point on the vertical heat input line. At the vertical heat input line they must be vectors normal to the vertical line.
These streamlines are normal to the iso-temperature contours shown below :
The vector plot and this is as close as we get.
But also, there is no way to output the curves as useful geometry.
It would be possible to write code to look at the results files and create output a table of x-y values for a datum point array to create datum curves.
Have a good weekend
Hello, Good Morning
The image temperature graph you show me also I needed it.
I also believe that's not possible to get the normal steamlines to iso-temperatures or normal to vertical heat input line.
On this subject:
It would be possible to write code to look at the results files and create output a table of x-y values for a datum point array to create datum curves.
I recognize that about this and create write code... I don't have any skills... This is beyond me.
If there are somebody... good.
Thanks for all,