In the past I was using the following function which apparently got me the matrix for a sheet.
status = prodb_drawing_sheet_info(p_draw,w_size,matrix);
I was successfully using the matrix from this function to do the following:
/* cvt Screen Coors to drawing Coords */
ProPntTrfEval (LLeft_scn, matrix, LLeft_dwg);
The new DrawingSheetinfoGet function does not mention the matrix. Does anyone know which function would get me the equivalent matrix I was using?
ProViewMatrixGet gets the drawing matrix of a drawing view, is this the same matrix I was getting?
This pic shows the new functi0on and its lack of matrix.
Thanks for any suggestions>
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Mark -
The Creo Parametric Toolkit API function you want is ProDrawingSheetTrfGet . Its documentation page appears in both the new Javascript-based API wizard and the older, Java applet API wizard. It's easy to miss this one because the word "Transform" is abbreviated as "Trf" in the function name.
ProDrawingSheetTrfGet is not deprecated as of Creo 3.0 M070.
|+| M a r k |+|
this is the right question for PTC Support ...
Hi Mark -
The Creo Parametric Toolkit API function you want is ProDrawingSheetTrfGet . Its documentation page appears in both the new Javascript-based API wizard and the older, Java applet API wizard. It's easy to miss this one because the word "Transform" is abbreviated as "Trf" in the function name.
ProDrawingSheetTrfGet is not deprecated as of Creo 3.0 M070.
|+| M a r k |+|
Thanks Mark, This was it.
Hi msteffke
Can I give you a call or what is your email
Hi have a question on Migration wf5 to creo 5 windows 10