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I created a simple macpherson strut with a spring but no damper and applied gravity only.
the simulation ran fine but then I found that the system is damped (see attached graph).
I applied no damping and no friction, so why is it slowing down?
Turn gravity off and compare its results to the same displacement curve you've already shared as the .jpg image.
ok, so I ran the simulation again.
first time for 50 sec with gravity turned off
Second time with gravity on for 500 sec
In both cases the system eventually relaxes
My question remains, why?
OK, that's unusual. With gravity and friction off, a simple spinrg-mass system should oscilate indefinitely. Can you share your model?
Educational version
Unfortunately I cannot open your files, because I have a full version, this doesn't open educational.
Please check whether your analysis happens to have structural damping selected.
Then switch this off, or set to 0%
Where would I make that selection?
I couldn't find the option in the menues
Is it a selection that i make for each part or the whole assembly?
You do that in the time response analysis definition, in the bottom of the form: damping coefficient
This is an MDO analysis, not a Simulate dynamic analysis. Only rigid bodies are considered.
I'll try a simple, similar analysis and see what I get, as I've got the commercial version as well and can't open your posted files.
Didn't see that, wasn't paying enough attention.
Thanks Chris