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anyone can help me
I do not know what wrong
I know this law of degree of freedom
n = 3 (l – 1) – 2 j – h
l=link , j=lower pair , h=high pair
n = 3 (l – 1) – 2 j – h
n = 3 (4 – 1) – 2 × 4– 0 = 1 one degree of freedom
but of program I think this happen
n = 3 (4 – 1) – 2 × 4– 1 = 0
n = 3 (4 – 1) – 2 × 4– 0 = 1 degree of freedom
n = 3 (4 – 1) – 2 × 4– 1 = 0 but this result of program
this example of 5 link i must have two degree but program give 1 degree
Solved! Go to Solution.
The formula for the planar condition in the link above, appears different from the one you show.
I agree, the depicted mechanism looks to have 2-degees of freedom. Check to make sure none of the pin joints has an extra constraint.
I give my formula form book "Theory Of Machine R.S.Khurmi"
and this not problem
problem is all my mechanism degree of freedom have less than one
I check pin from all bar and I think no any extra constrain but same result all time
Have you attached any motors?
Each motor controls a degree of freedom.
can you explain more and can you tell me how you can define degree of freedom correct
thank you very much
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