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I work for an aerospace industry in the technical publication office. We use Arbortext Editor to create and modify Data Modules (.sgml files) acording to the AECMA 1000D. One of our customers is having trouble with our documents due to the automatic processing instructions that Epic Editor write in the .sgml files, like:
file:///C:/DATI/0_Raccolta%20SpecificheXXXX/Epic/proced/proced.fos" type="text/x-fosi" media="editor" alternate="yes">
This kind of tags, are not visible to the author with the Epic Editor interface, they can be viewed and removed only using a text editor like Note Pad. I've read that the last two instructions () can be removed by turning set writepi=off on the advanced settings.
But what about the first two instructions? The first one reports to the hard disk location of the DTDs and Style Sheets used by the program to open the file, the second one is an automatic string with programs information that Epic put at the beginning of every document that is saved.
Can i prevent Epic Editor to put this strings in the documents?
Thank you