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Is there a way to create a frequently used symbols tool to insert them from the toolbar instead of going to the insert symbols menu all the time?
Hi Bryon,
<imagegroup>...<imagelist imagewidth="16" path="ToolbarHighlight.bmp"><image id="imageHighlightYellow"/><image id="imageHighlightRed"/></imagelist>...</imagegroup>
<toolbar>...<checkbox command='td _font -none;it _font; mt BackColor="#FFFF00"'id="highlight_Yellow" image="imageHighlightYellow"statustext="Yellow highlighting" tiptext="Yellow highlighting"></checkbox><checkbox command='td _font -none;it _font; mt BackColor="#FF0000"'id="highlight_Red" image="imageHighlightRed"statustext="Red highlighting" tiptext="Red highlighting"></checkbox>...</toolbar>
Good luck!
Hi Bryon--
Yes, there is a mechanism for this in Arbortext. In the editor window, on the Advanced toolbar, there's an Insert Symbol button, with an Omega symbol on it (). It includes a droplist arrow. If you click on the arrow, a list will pop up, giving quick access to pre-defined and recently used symbols (characters and character entities).
To preconfigure this, you can use the "set entitylist" command in your editinit.acl file. See the Help Center for details on how to add values. Basically, it's a space-delimited string of values you want to include. For named character entities, just include the name of the entity (without the &). For non-entity characters, you can use the standard XML numeric entity representation (e.g. "A" -> A).
For example, if you use
set entitylist="alpha beta gamma delta lt amp"
you'll get a menu like this:
Note that the menu will only show the characters when the caret is in a location where text can be inserted. If the caret is in a location where text is not allowed, it will appear empty even if you've defined a list.
Thanks for the guidance. I have created a new file symbols.acl and placed it in my editinit folder. I read the help file ( and I do not see any symbols show up. Am i missing some information in my acl file?
Hi Bryon--
Make sure you: