I'm using an old version (5.3m040), but you might look at the doc_flatten command line in the help system.
doc_flatten { file | text | all} [undeclare]
This alias replaces the text and/or file entity references with the corresponding entity content. It always works on the entire document. The command should be used with caution, because when the document is saved, all data about the prior existence of entity references is lost. It is good practice to perform a File→Save As after running the doc_flatten alias. The following arguments control the scope of the alias’ execution:
* file - flattens file entities only.
* text - flattens text entities only.
* both - flattens both text and file entities.
* include - flattens XIncludes only.
* all - flattens all text and file entities as well as XIncludes.
By default, the entity declarations are retained. If the optional parameter undeclare is provided, then the declarations are removed.
For the doc_flatten function, see help7789
Andy Esslinger LM Aero - Tech Order Data
(817) 279-0442 1 Lockheed Blvd, MZ 4285
(817) 777 3047 Fort Worth, TX 76108-3916
[Title: Integrated Fighter Group]