Hi all,
I built a 2-column table like so:
<usetext<br/>source='!<figtable frame="all" colsep="1" rowsep="0"><tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colname="col1" colwidth="8.5pi"></colspec>
<colspec colname="col2" colwidth="5pi"></colspec>
<row rowsep="1">
<entry align="center">PART<brk></brk>NUMBER</entry>
<entry align="center">FIGURE<brk></brk>&<brk></brk>INDEX NO.</entry>
</tgroup></figtable>!' placemnt="after">
There's too much space between each row, and I don't know where it's coming from. Is there any way to get rid of this extra space? I tried playing with leading on entry, row, the partno and figindex eics and the usetext but no luck.
My second question, is there any way to test for a column break? This table is on a 3 column page and I have to put an extra blank line after every ten rows, but the top of each column has to start over with ten rows again. So if I could reset the row counter on column breaks, I think that would solve the problem.
Hi Caroline,
In answer to your first question, It's hard to tell why you're getting extra space between rows unless you can show me how you are building up the rows.app variable. Any chance you can show what's being appended to this ?
Andy, here is my code. Partno and figindex are inline:
<savetext textid="partno.txt" conrule="!<entry">!,#CONTENT,!</entry>!"/>
<savetext textid="figindex.txt" conrule="!<entry">!,@8pt,#CONTENT,!</entry>!"/>
<savetext textid="row.txt" conrule="partno.txt,figindex.txt"/">
<savetext textid="rows.app" conrule="!<row">!,row.txt,!</row>!" placemnt="after" append="1"/>
Trudy, thank you for the tip. I changed the minimum row height but there was no difference.
Paul, I thought for sure that would work. Changing the padding to 0pt gave me this in the SGML:
I changed my figtable to a table and added 'cbmarg="0.00pt" ctmarg="0.00pt" to the tgroup but that didn't work. Then I added it to tbody, row, and table but still no change.
thanks, guys, I am working locally. Trudy, how does one change the padding, if not by setting cbmarg="0.00pt" ctmarg="0.00pt" in tgroup?