I don't necessarily have the answers, but let me add a few data points
that seem to be missing from this thread to date.
1. One of the outputs one can get using Styler is RTF.
2. The way this works under the covers is that the style file
is converted into what is basically and xsl-fo stylesheet
which is used to transform the input document into an FO
result document which then undergoes some special massaging
and then gets handed to another program that converts
(specially massaged) FO into RTF. That's probably why Kevin
is talking about FO when he wants RTF.
3. Popping back to the top level, you should be able to use Styler's
definition list style to get what I believe you want.
4. If that doesn't work, you could consider edited source, in which
case you'd be working in what it basically an xsl-fo stylesheet,
so comments about fo:list-block become relevant. But there are
many downsides to resorting to edited source if you can at all
avoid it.
5. For RTF output, often the best solution is to define the Word
style you want in a Word template file, and then use the RTF
features in Styler to associate the appropriate style with the
element in question.
I don't know Word much at all, I'm just familiar with some of the
technical details of the Styler-to-RTF process, but we do have people
who could give you more help in this area if you want to contact our
customer support.