This may be a familiar topic as I have raised it a couple of times. The most
recent was in August, I think, as I was trying to include profiling
attributes and values in a FOSI's semantic table. Thanks to an off-list
suggestion from Brandon and an on-list one from Clay, I have managed to make
this work if composition is conducted locally. I have not been able to do it
on Publishing Engine yet. I'm hoping someone can stand on my shoulders and
see over the top.
To do this local by way of Print Composed you need three components
(presented in reverse order, processing-wise):
1) Your FOSI or, presumably, Styler code. Here is my FOSI attribute test:
<fillval attname="yourpackage::getprof" attloc="system-func"<br"/>fillcat="savetext" fillchar="conrule">
<savetext textid="gotprof.txt">
<usetext source="\asdf" \,gotprof.txt,!<newline="/>!"
Which references:
2) Your system-func code:
# the following function retrieves an environment variable stored
# by composepreprocesshook function and returns it to FOSI for formatting.
package yourpackage
function getprof() {
# response('in getprof: main env mytest = ' . main::ENV["MYPROF"]);
return main::ENV["MYPROF"]
Which calls the ENV variable saved by the composepreprocesshook:
3) composepreprocesshook add_hook and function to handle hook:
# this add_hook can go anywhere add_hooks are handled
add_hook("composepreprocesshook", "saveprof::saveprof");
# this package saves profiling info to be caught by system-func code in
# which is in turn called by fosi to output based on profiling.
# need to figure out how to replicate this behavior on PE.
package saveprof
function saveprof(a,b,c,d[]) {
#response('a/docid = ' . a);
#response('b/outputtype = ' . b);
#response('c/userinitiatedornotboolean = ' . c);
#response('d[ "prof.logicalExpression" ] = ' . d[ "prof.logicalExpression"
#the following could be as complicated as you want to make it.
#publishing the actual contents of d[ "prof.logicalExpression" ] may be
#possible but the content was upsetting FOSI. May have been an SGML paste
#option thingy.
if (index(d[ "prof.logicalExpression" ],"ProfileAttributeORProfileValue") >
0) {
myprofilingispresent = "yes"
} # end of if
else {
myprofilingispresent = "no"
} # end of else
main::ENV["MYPROF"] = $myprofilingispresent;
# response(main::ENV["MYPROF"]);
} # end of saveprof
OK OK OK Cool and all that.
BUT I need to do this ON Publishing Engine which is where all our production
formatting occurs.
I can reuse the FOSI fragment and the system-func without trouble. I can't
find an elegant way to access the profiling information on PE. I suspect I
could modify system ACLs (or less dramatically, override a function that
processes profiling information) to save to that ENV variable. However, I am
hoping someone knows of or can see a way to add my own code that simply
reads a variable or array or other structure in PE's memory to write out the
So, on PE, audience.acl (located in ../PE/packages/tools/audience.acl), has
a function (create_profiled_vdoc_custom) that creates the PE version of d[
"prof.logicalExpression" ] on line 368 (in version 5.3 m110) using the
following code:
params["prof.logicalExpression"] = create_logical_string(audience, savedoc);
I am pretty sure if I issue this:
main::ENV["MYPROF"] = params["prof.logicalExpression"]
Immediately following line 368, my system-func and FOSI code will work. I
just, as I said before, am hoping not to override the function or copy the
ACL into my doctype or (heaven forbid) modify the system ACL directly.
Any thoughts?
Thanks, Brandon, Clay, and anyone else whom I have forgotten that
contributed to that last (or some earlier) conversation on this.
Code caveat: I have retyped some here in the e-mail to obscure corporate and
(independently) puerile variable names. No guarantee I did that perfectly or
consistently. That said, the Print Composed solution was actually working in
practice for me. Please test before deploying anywhere important!
Paul Nagai