I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do. It would be helpful to know a few more details, namely (1) which of the four reference options are you using (Curve, Edge, Surface, or Sketch)?, and (2) will your tool follow the reference at its center or offset by the Tool Radius? Meanwhile, note these options. (1)After you have selected a reference (say a Datum Curve in its entirety) and finished the definition of the Automatic Cut, you can select the Follow Cut portion of that Automatic Cut in the Customize dialog box, select Redefine, then pick First Point and/or Second Point, and pick specific inflection points on the curve other than the end points. (2)If you are picking a Datum Curve for your reference, you will have the From-To option in the CHAIN OPT menu,(3)You can select the Follow Cut, then from the drop-down list select Tangent Approach, Normal Approach, Lead In, or Helical Approach to specify a desired pre-cutting motion to be inserted before the Follow Cut. (4) You can use the Ends option in the INT CUT menu to define a simple path extension approach motion.