By far, springs in FEA have been mostly used to model fasteners. However,
there are other novel uses, such as those you have already heard of from
other users.
Springs are very efficient (run time) and represent the most basic property
of the finite element method, stiffness. They do a very nice job of solving
the force and displacement components of a model. You will not have stress
output available for springs.
The caveat with springs is that since there is no area at the point of load
transfer, stresses are unreliable at the mating parts in the vicinity of the
spring attach points. If you are solving for stresses in your analysis, you
may consider excluding elements in those vicinities from convergence (MPA
convergence algorithm, of course). The run will complete much faster.
Randy Speed
President and CEO
Speed Consulting, LLC
(972) 938-0490 ph (972) 937-2319 fax