Actually, there's several ways to do this. If the spline exists, you can snap lines to the endpoints, and it will allow you to pull the line until it shows the tangent constraint. If you place the line and it isn't tangent, you can modify either the spline or the line afterwards and add the constraint. Also, a neat way to adjust the spline is to select it, right-click modify from the pop-up, and select the bottom left box from the dashboard. Hovering over the correct box will gove the message: "Switches to control polygon mode. Control points drive apline definition." when you select this, you get a bunch of purple, phantom lines, the white nds of which (NOT points on the spline itself) can be pulled to modify the spline. While in this mode, you can then add colinear or tangent (or perpendicular, etc.) constraints to any of the purple lines including (and especially) the spline ends. I stumbled across this recently while creating sketched splines in the "area control" thread I posted, and it's a great way to control things. Good luck.