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3d preview


3d preview

Hi all,

have anyone ever get a 3d filepreview inside an ProToolkit dialog window? I don't find a possiblity for that, but know that there was a time you can do it in .web/link // Javascript with an applet from ProductView. Is there any possiblity to get this 3d file preview in a Creo Dialog window?

I work in Creo 2.0.

Best regards,


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ProAccessoryWindowCreate??? If my memory serves me right, this might be what you're looking for.

Patrick Williams | Engineering Systems | c: 616.947.2110

Hi Patrick,

you're right that this opens a window with the 3d view possible. And it is a second window (i can connect it to my dialog window with C, but it would be smart if it was one window, so it's much easier to handle that while dialog movement, etc).

Hmmm ... I test the possible options with that window ... . I read the help files again and need to look if the model needs to be in session or if it can load the model 3d preview also from the file system.

Thanks for showing me that option,

Best regards,


I have not ever seen the capability in Pro/TOOLKIT to create an embedded 3d view control within a ProUIDialog. If you find it I would be interested.

Patrick Williams | Engineering Systems | c: 616.947.2110

As far as I know this isn’t possible with a UI element in Toolkit.

The only chance to create a model’s preview in an UI is the HTML/JS Weblink
method by creating an embedded instance of the CreoView Express (HTML).

The accessory window (opened by a Toolkit call) can only display models that
are already in session.



Hi all,

Could anyone point me to WebLink class hadndling ProductView (CreoView) applet. Don't have Web.Link manual handy right now.


Did anybody try to embed ProductView (CreoView) into WPF form? There was a general discussion about WPF hostingat stackoverflow sometime back.

Hi Feliks,

in the of your website you should add this object (modify height and
width to your needs):

<object border="”1”" id="”PVactiveX1”" width="”200”" height="”200”" classid="&lt;br"/>"CLSID:F1BFCEEA-892D-405c-945F-19F87338A17F">

<param name="”thumbnailView”" value="”true”">

<param name="”renderatstartup”" value="”true”">


With javascript you can show a file by using this code:

var pvxObj = document.getElementById(“PVactiveX1”);

pvxObj.backgroundcolor = "0x00d7d5c8:0x00d7d5c8";

pvxObj.pvt = “c:\\temp\\mymodel.prt”;

Hope this helps.

By the way: this has nothing to do with Weblink. It’s just about showing the
CreoView ActiveX plugin that’s available after installing CreoView or
CreoView Express.

The class id used in the code above is for windows64, for win32 you should




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