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Default location of check-in to windchill using toolkit


Default location of check-in to windchill using toolkit



We can set default location of models to be checked-in through toolkit API. Additionally, we can set location of files to be checked in for few specific files using toolkit API.


Can we get the idea of at what location new file by default would be checked in? Actually I am not setting any option for check-in and performing Auto Check-In using toolkit API. So, for report preparation; i need to know where files got checked in (default location) through API.


Thanks and Regards



Hi Ketan,

If understand, so I suppose, default folder is a main-upper Product folder where is current Workspace attached. 

Product folder in sense of the Context, which you can get e.g. by ProServerContextGet.

E.g. wtpub://sip7/Products/107000018/ where  107000018 is Context.


btw: with ProServercheckinoptsDeflocationSet you can check-in data even to different Context.


(When we check-in new files into the Commonspace in Batch mode, we prebuild all expected folders in WCH autamtically with WCH cmd windchill wt.load.LoadFromFile... , so we know which folder at WCH should be used for each file.)






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