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Get edges of a dimension


Get edges of a dimension

How to get the reference edges for a selected dimension using ProToolKit Creo3.0?


So I think to get the edges of a dimension here  means that  you want to get the geometrical references of the dimensions.

- so for  example when you select an dimension you  can get via ProSelectionModelitemGet the model item and when it is a PRO_DIMENSION then  you can  use the API  ProDimensionAttachmentsGet() to get the references. So it could be  some code like this below:


  	FUNCTION : TestAnnotDimAttachmentWrite()
  	PURPOSE  : Writes Dimensions Attachment to a file.
ProError TestAnnotDimAttachmentWrite (ProDimension* dimension)
  char var [PRO_FILE_NAME_SIZE];
  char line [500];
  ProError status1;
  ProAnnotationPlane ap_get;
  ProDimAttachment *pro_array_dim_attachment_get;
  ProDimSense *pro_array_dim_sense_get;
  ProDimOrient orient_hint_get;
  ProDimensiontype dim_type_get;
  int i,j,k;
  ProModelitem p_mdl_item;
  int dim_sense_array_size,dim_sense_array_size_low,counter,counter_low,dim_attach_array_size;
  int arr_size;

  status = ProDimensionTypeGet (dimension,&dim_type_get);
  MY_ERR_CHECK("ProDimensionTypeGet()", status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

  status = ProDimensionAttachmentsGet (dimension,
  MY_ERR_CHECK("ProDimensionAttachmentsGet()", status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

  if(status == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)
	Info of ProDimAttachment : DIMENSION ATTACHMENTS . 
      if(pro_array_dim_attachment_get != NULL)
		  status = ProArraySizeGet ((ProArray*)pro_array_dim_attachment_get , 
		  if(status == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)
			  sprintf (line, 
					   "  + Dimension Attachments (%d found):",
			  printf (line);

			  /* Traverse through 'dim_attach_array_size' number of 'ProDimAttachment' objects  */
			  for(i = 0 ; i < dim_attach_array_size ; i++)
				  /* Each 'ProDimAttachment' contains 2 ProSelection Handles
					 Traversing through these handles and writing their info */

				  for(j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++)
					  sprintf (line, "   - Dimension attachment [%d][%d]",
							   i+1, j+1);

					  my_line_printf (line);
					  if(pro_array_dim_attachment_get[i][j] != NULL)
						  do_something_with_particular_attachment (pro_array_dim_attachment_get[i][j]);						  
						  my_line_printf("     > NULL  \n");
			}/* if(status == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)*/
		  ProDimattachmentarrayFree (pro_array_dim_attachment_get);
		} /* if(pro_array_dim_attachment_get != NULL) */

    }/* if(status1 == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) */

  return PRO_TK_NO_ERROR;
  • If you what to access the dimension elements - in this case we need to use the funciton ProDimensionLocationGet. Returns a structure containing the location of elements making up a solid model/drawing dimension or reference dimension. NOTE: In a solid model, dimension location values will always be extracted by this function with respect to the indicated model orientation. The locations and values will be different for the same dimension when that model has a different orientation and scaling factor applied. This does not apply for drawings.
  • So here an example where I used ProDimensionLocationGet API
ProError testModelDims(ProMdl mdl,ProDrawing drw,ProView view,ProAsmcomppath *comp_path)
DimAppData app_data;
Log("==> Fired testModelDims here ");
//refdim true, standard dims false
ERR( ProSolidDimensionVisit( (ProSolid) mdl , PRO_B_FALSE, UserDimensionAction, UserDimensionFilter ,(ProAppData*) &app_data));
return PRO_TK_NO_ERROR;}

ProError UserDimensionFilter (ProDimension* dim, ProAppData appdata)
ProError err;
DimAppData *app_data=(DimAppData*) appdata;
ProBoolean is_shown=PRO_B_FALSE;
ERR_INFO(ProAnnotationIsShown((ProAnnotation*) dim,(ProDrawing) app_data->drw,&is_shown))
Log( "\n UserDimensionFilter dim_id=%d is SHOWN", dim->id);
//return (PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);//we do know need already shown dimensions
{ Log( "\n UserDimensionFilter dim_id=%d is INVISIBLE", dim->id);
  //return(PRO_TK_CONTINUE);  // will not filter here for shown
  return (PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND);
ProError UserDimensionAction (ProDimension* dim, ProError error_status, ProAppData appdata)
	ProError err;
	double value;
	ProDimlocation dimloc;
	ProPoint3d arr1, arr2,witn1,witn2;
	ProView view;
	ProName wname,wname1;
	char name[256];
	char name1[256];
	ProSelection sel;
    DimAppData *app_data=(DimAppData*) appdata;

	ERR( ProDimensionValueGet(dim, &value));

	ERR(ProDrawingDimensionViewGet((ProDrawing) app_data->drw, dim, &view))

    ERR(ProDrawingViewNameGet((ProDrawing) app_data->drw,view,wname))

    ERR(ProDrawingViewNameGet((ProDrawing) app_data->drw,app_data->view,wname1))

	Log( "DIMENSION[ID=%i], Value=%f",dim->id, value);
	if(strcmp(name, name1) != 0) //not the same
	 Log("Visit_VIEW[%s] and DIM_VIEW[%s] \nare different BREAKs the method...",name1,name);
	 return (PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);
		 Log("Visit_VIEW[%s] and DIM_VIEW[%s] \n are the same CONTINUEs the method...",name1,name);
		 return (PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

	/*ERR( ProDimensionLocationGet(dim, view, (ProDrawing) appdata, &dimloc)) */

	ERR(ProSelectionAlloc(NULL,(ProModelitem *) dim, &sel))

	err = ProDimensionLocationGet(dim, NULL, (ProDrawing) app_data->drw, &dimloc);
	if (!err) ProSelectionHighlight(sel,PRO_COLOR_SHEETMETAL);
	else ProSelectionHighlight(sel,PRO_COLOR_ERROR);

    if (!err) {

	ERR( ProDimlocationArrowsGet(dimloc, arr1, arr2))

	Log("\nArrow1=(%f,%f,%f), Arrow2=(%f,%f,%f)\n",
		arr1[0], arr1[1], arr1[2], arr2[0], arr2[1], arr2[2]);

	ERR(ProDimlocationWitnesslinesGet(dimloc, witn1, witn2))
	Log("\nWitness1=(%f,%f,%f), Witness2=(%f,%f,%f)\n",
		witn1[0], witn1[1], witn1[2], witn2[0], witn2[1], witn2[2]);

	ERR( ProDimlocationFree(dimloc))
	else   {
		Log( "ERROR = %d\n",err);


		Log("TRY TO SHOW this DIM");
		ERR_INFO(ProAnnotationDisplay((ProAnnotation* ) dim,(ProAsmcomppath*) app_data->p_comp_path,app_data->drw,app_data->view))
		if(err_ray == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)
		//shows permanent
		 ERR_INFO(ProAnnotationShow((ProAnnotation* ) dim,app_data->p_comp_path,app_data->view))

	return (PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);


Thanks for the quick response.

I actually want to get edges of selected dimension which i have highlighted in the attached image. Is there any way to achieve this?



OK this means case 1.) (the first sample code)

do_something_with_particular_attachment (pro_array_dim_attachment_get[i][j]);

where the input argument of this function should be a selection with the geometrical references - it coud be an edge or vertex on boundary ...etc (did not check what will be accepted  as valid references for the annotation element ... I am not sure if it will accept a flat surface or plane)

you can for example highlight it with

ProSelectionHighlight(pro_array_dim_attachment_get[i][j], PRO_COLOR_SELECTED);

here in the example for the pro_array_dim_attachment_get[i][j] - means i - the number of the model dimension

and j could be [0;1] one of the possible 2 refences for i-th dimension.


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