Some functions cannot be processed using VBAPI and need to be handled by macros. However, there are some interaction select i operations in the macros. How to use program selection to achieve.
For example: clear the FLAT/REC state in a repeat regine of table
'The First Macro
Dim tmpstr As String
tmpstr = "~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `page_Table_control_btn` 1;"
tmpstr = tmpstr + "~ Command `ProCmdDwgTblRepeatRegion` ;#FLAT/REC ITEM;"
' Need using "Programmatic Selection" to select the repeat regine , phahaps the cell of the repeat regine
'I have get one table object named "table1" As IpfcTable ,one cell object named "cell1" As IpfcTableCell
'The Second Macro