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Hello, I am having difficulty creating and returning ProArgument** outputs from my toolkit application to my JLink application. Am I correct in assuming this is a ProArray of ProArguments and that it is returned by my PRO_TK_DLL_EXPORT toolkit function? If so, any tips on how to set the output array values so that they are reutrned to JLink?
In JLink :
//execute dll
FunctionReturn creoToolkitReturnedValue = creoToolkitDLL.ExecuteFunction("jds240LinsestockParamGet", arguments);
//return stuff
int returnValue = creoToolkitReturnedValue.GetFunctionReturn();
Arguments returnedArguments = creoToolkitReturnedValue.GetOutputArguments();
int countOfArgs = returnedArguments.getarraysize();
Results from toolkit call seen in JLink:
returnValue is 0;
countOfArgs returns 0, but I have added 40+ args to outputs.
Thanks for any assistance.
This has been resolved. The API works as expected. On the Toolkit side, setting a value to null (no value existed) was breaking the code.