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Hi all,
is it possible to change the number of an internal feature id. I have a 2 parts (A & B) assembled together via a co-ordinate system. I want to replace part B with part C. Now i can do this easily, but i have to select both co-ordinate systems again. Even though the co-ordinate system is the very first feature in both parts B & C, i noticed the feaure id's are different. My thinking is, that if both these numbers were identical, pro-e could be trick into swapping one part for another if they had the same name, so part C would also be called B. Hopefully this will make sense to somebody. What i am trying to achieve, is to be able to seamlessly interchange parts, part A is always present, but then has a second part assembled to it, & its this second part that varies.
Hi John
I sometimes make my first sketch that way that if I assemble several parts I only have to constrain them as default. So if I have to change a part and that is made the same way, I take the old one out and place the new one as default and everything looks right directly.
Perhaps this works if you make your first sketches depending of your co-ordinate system the same way.
Hope this helps.
Hi Christiaan,
yes, that approach would work for me also, but i am trying to make use of parts that are existing, that don't necessarily have the same structure, i have inserted a co-ordinate system, & made it the first feature, for assembling purposes, & even though i have given it the same name (CS0) i find that the second part fails to regenerate, it is simple enough to resolve, i just have to select the second part co-ordinate system in the assembly, & it is placed, but i also know that if the id number were the same i wouldn't have to do this.
Hi John
Have you deleted the first co-ordinate point? So pro-e can only fall back to the new CS0.
I quess clever as you are you did. If that is not the point, I dont know.
Have you noticed so many answers on this forum stay unanswered?
It's like nobody has the time to help or even look.
I'm almost certain someone has got the same case.