I am trying to create a jlink application to modify all text on a specific layer to the "Highlight - primary" (StdColor COLOR_HIGHLIGHT) system color. So far, I have only been able to set the text color to the same ColorRGB values as COLOR_HIGHLIGHT. The problem with this is that ProE sees it as a "user defined" color and therefore it does not print according to the pen table. Is there a way to set the text color to StdColor COLOR_HIGHLIGHT? I'm using Wildfire 5.0 M080. My code is attached below.
Mary Mitchell
Hi Mary,
you can get the stdColor from com.ptc.pfc.pfcBase.stdColor.COLOR_HIGHLIGHT. I don't check if u can cast StdColor to RGB Color or not. If u can't I think theres no way directly in J-Link to get it except a Mapkey / Trailfile.
I know that in Toolkit you can get both direct to ProTextStyleColorSet() or the other color set functions. So it's possible that the J-Link command do it the same way.
typedef struct pro_color
ProColorMethod method;
union {
ProColortype type;
ProColormap map;
} value;
} ProColor;
Other way around you can use a .dll File from your J-Link application to get the Toolkit command inside your J-Link program.
Best regards,