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Good morning everyone. I'm having serious troubles excluding sketches being added to a layer via rules by name. For this layer I want to add all sketches which don't include the following name *Draft*. When I setup the layer rules as shown, noting is added to the layer:
If I setup the layer to include based on the name it works as expected.
Any thoughts why this is happening when I am excluding based on name? This method works without any issues collecting datums; however, it breaks when working with sketches.
After giving it a try, it appears that rules are not able to read the default name and excludes it. Also, unless you set the rules to Associative, items will not be added or removed from the layer based on renaming a feature. Without Associative checked the rules only check items as they are created.
It appears that the only thing that is not working, is the ability of the rules to read the default names and then not considering them for inclusion. If you name the sketch before sketching it will work.
Same results with Axis.
Agreed. Its just very odd to me that the same logic works as intended for Datum Planes. Very odd...
These layers are set to associative FYI.
I think it has to do with CREO not allowing spaces in names. Sketch feature and several others, however, get away with creating default names with spaces. CREO can't even follow its own rules.
Yeah never thought about that until now. Datums get named as DTM1 while sketches have spaces such as Sketch 1.
Follow your own rules CREO. 🙂
workaround is to use two-step rule:
Funny you should say this, I was thinking this way would require the user to regenerate once when adding layers to existing CAD. This is no issue for 'clean' CAD. However, there is always dirty legacy models where regenerating the assembly is like setting off a small nuclear warhead.
I do agree this method works was trying to eliminate layers referencing other layers. But I like the approach @FV !
it seems to me that the following procedure is a solution of your request.
My model tree:
I created LAY0002 using following rule:
I created LAY0003 using following rule:
Hiding LAY0003 solves your request.