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I am having a working code of protk in VS 2003 I am now migrating it to VS 2005.I solved most of the errors but stuck up at "Error1error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _errno referenced in function _ptc_exitprotk_dll.lib" this error message.I have done all the required project settings
Libs include-protk_dll.libprodev_dll.lib protoolkit.libprodevelop.lib wsock32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib winspool.lib mpr.lib psapi.lib
Code Generation - /MTd
I guess the solution is around this things only but not able to find the rite cord.
help needed
I am not sure of theissuebut I can pass along my lib filesthat I am using on working projects.
For wildfire5I am currently compiling in VS2008.
additionallib files with /MTdsetting are: protk_dllmd.lib wsock32.lib mpr.lib netapi32.lib psapi.lib ws2_32.lib
linker command line additional options :/force:multiple
If this is Wildfire 5 I believe you are missing the ws2_32.lib and you need to change to the pro****md.lib files.ws2_32.lib was a new lib file introduced with WF5. This is found under the summary of technical changes in the manual.
In Reply to Rahul M.:
I am having a working code of protk in VS 2003 I am now migrating it to VS 2005.I solved most of the errors but stuck up at "Error1error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _errno referenced in function _ptc_exitprotk_dll.lib" this error message.I have done all the required project settings
Libs include-protk_dll.libprodev_dll.lib protoolkit.libprodevelop.lib wsock32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib winspool.lib mpr.lib psapi.lib
Code Generation - /MTdI guess the solution is around this things only but not able to find the rite cord.
help needed
Hope that helps,
Jim Kerkstra
Steelcase Inc,
Thanks for the reply.
Iam doing this forWF3 M070 did you face any issues similar to this.
I would appreciat any help.
I would definitely switch
protk_dll.lib to protk_dllmd.lib
If you switched to cpp files instead of c files then you may experience an issue with needing to declare your hookfunctions as extern in order for the dlls to find the declarations.
extern "C" int user_initialize(int argc, char *argv[], char *szVersion, char *szBuild, wchar_t *wzErrBuf) {
extern "C" void user_terminate() {}
Currently VS2003 is the supported compiler for wildfire 3.0 so you may be in some uncharted territory.
<u></u>Jim Kerkstra
Steelcase Inc,