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We are trying to delete all the existing notes on a particular sheet of drawing and creating notes on the same sheet. On doing so, deleting the existing notes is happening. We are able to create the notes as well. But on positioning the notes based on co ordinate system is not happening correctly. Since its an automation project , we are not supposed to do anything manually, everything is to be done through coding.
// Allocate and initialize the memory for a detail attachment.
status= ProDtlattachAlloc(PRO_DTLATTACHTYPE_FREE, views_flatpattern, pos, NULL, &p_attachment); // pos refers to x, y and z co ordinates. Null is being passed for proselection in the above function. May be this particular function is not being used properly
// Sets an attachment for the specified note.
status = ProDtlnotedataAttachmentSet(notedata, p_attachment);
// convert a text to notedata
ProStringToWstring(wtext, text);
ProDtlnotetextStringSet(dtl_text, wtext);
status = ProDtlnotelineTextAdd(dtl_line, dtl_text);
status = ProDtlnotedataLineAdd(notedata, dtl_line);
// creates note
status = ProDtlnoteShow(¬e);
May the code for positioning of notes is not being properly written. Kindly guide us on this.
I don't think is the ProDtlattachAlloc function that is creating the trouble.
What is your workflow?
Where do you connect the "notedata" structure with the "note" handle? It has to be either a call to ProDtlnoteCreate or, if the note was already created you need to use ProDtlnoteModify
Here is an example for ProDtlnoteCreate.
Allocate a note description
status = ProDtlnotedataAlloc(drawing, ¬e_data);
Allocate a text item, and set its properties
ProDtlnotetextHeightSet(text, -1.0);
ProDtlnotetextWidthSet(text, -1.0);
ProDtlnotetextSlantSet(text, 0.0);
ProDtlnotetextThicknessSet(text, 0.0);
ProStringToWstring(font, "font");
ProDtlnotetextFontSet(text, font);
Set text lines
wcscpy(str,L"Sample Line 1");
ProDtlnotetextStringSet(text, str);
ProDtlnotelineTextAdd(line, text);
status = ProDtlnotedataLineAdd(note_data, line);
wcscpy(str, L"Sample Line 2");
ProDtlnotetextStringSet(text, str);
ProDtlnotelineTextAdd(line, text);
status = ProDtlnotedataLineAdd(note_data, line);
status = ProDtlattachAlloc(PRO_DTLATTACHTYPE_FREE, view, pos2, NULL, &attach);
status = ProDtlnotedataAttachmentSet(note_data, attach);
Create the note
status = ProDtlnoteCreate(drawing, NULL, note_data, ¬e);
status = ProDtlnoteShow(¬e);
status = ProWindowRefresh(PRO_VALUE_UNUSED);
status = ProWindowRepaint(PRO_VALUE_UNUSED);
Hope this helps!
@Rohit wrote:
We are trying to delete all the existing notes on a particular sheet of drawing and creating notes on the same sheet. On doing so, deleting the existing notes is happening. We are able to create the notes as well. But on positioning the notes based on co ordinate system is not happening correctly. Since its an automation project , we are not supposed to do anything manually, everything is to be done through coding.
// Allocate and initialize the memory for a detail attachment.
status= ProDtlattachAlloc(PRO_DTLATTACHTYPE_FREE, views_flatpattern, pos, NULL, &p_attachment); // pos refers to x, y and z co ordinates.
Hello all,
Rohit, since you were stating that the note's position was giving you some headaches it would be beneficial to include the code related to calculation of the 'pos' variable. The most likely the transformations between part -assembly-drawing-drawing view coordinates needs to be examined...