Hello, I am posting a question because there is a blockage while playing the toolkit.
When using ProUIListSelectednamesGet among functions, the result value is stored only with the first letter of the list name.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem?
The details are attached as a photo.
void ListMoveButtonClicked(char* dialog, char* component, ProAppData data)
char* dialogName = "test2"; // 대화 상자 이름
char* listName = "In_list"; // 목록 컴포넌트 이름
int nSelections; // 선택된 항목 수
char** selections = NULL; // 선택된 항목의 이름 배열
wchar_t wideStr[100];
ProError status = ProUIListSelectednamesGet(dialogName, listName, &nSelections, &selections);
if (status == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) {
wchar_t* temp = ProStringToWstring(wideStr, selections[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < num_files; ++i) {
if (wcscmp(w_char_mdl_name[i], L"DRW0002") == 0)
else {
ProStringarrayFree(selections, nSelections);
else {
printf("함수 실행 실패\n");