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I am using VB API for developing applications for my customers on Wildfire 4 until today and I had no problems with that during the last months....
Now I installed Wildfire 5 M010 and the VB API cannot be used for Wildfire 4 anymore, but WF5 is running well. I have installed WF3, WF4 and WF5 on one machine of course...
My installation:
WF4 M100 and M120
WF5 M010
The problem is that it's impossible to connect with the app to an already running Pro/E session. Again: WF5 is running well, WF4 not. So it's not a problem with my application code.
What I did to switch between WF4 and 5:
1. setting the environment var for pro_comm_msg_exe to the correct version (WF4 or 5)
2.Unregister the version I don't need with <wildfire_version>\bin\vb_api_unregister.bat.
3.Register the version I need with <wildfire_version>\bin\vb_api_register.bat.
In Visual Studio I checked the correct path to the COM reference in either WF4 or WF5. This settings are always correct (the path to pfclscom.exe), either to WF4 or WF5.
Any ideas?