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can anyone tell me how could we stored the list of param names, types and values in j table????
You have to use J-link to collect parameters datas and insert it to JTable (synchornous mode) or use another API (Web-link, VB, Toolkit) to collect datas and pass it to Java app that creates JTable (asynchronous mode).
ArrayList<String> paramnamelist = new ArrayList<String>();
Parameters s=model.ListParams();//get all the parameter name
for(int i =0;i<s.getarraysize();i++){
//get the param name
String ae=s.get(i).GetName();
use this to get all the parameter name .After that get the individual values that you needed .
In Tcl I found this:
proc GetParamToCSV {model} {
set del ";"
puts $fp [join [list Name Type Value] $del]
foreach paramObj [lsort -dictionary [ps_param list -model $model] ] {
set nam [$paramObj cget -name]
set val [$paramObj cget -value]
set typ [$paramObj cget -type]
puts $fp [join [list $nam $typ $val] $del]
close $fp
GetParamToCSV box.prt
Why do you use tcl ? What is your goal ? Solution of dhini dhini with ArrayList is good.