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Hello all. Although I've used ProE for three years, I've only just discovered this website. Sad, huh?
Forgive me if this has been answered and I just lacked the skills to find it. I searched the CAD and Sys Admin categories and found similar questions, but following the suggestions provided did not solve my problem.
I can not get purge.bat to work in my new installation of WF5. Apparently lots of folks have had difficulties setting up the right-click menu but I can't even get it to work by cutting and pasting into the desired directory and running it from there.
My load point: C:\Program Files\proeWildfire 5.0.
My working directory is on a shared engineering drive within our network. I have customer sub-directories within the main work directory.
My purge.bat is as delivered, I haven't tampered with it. From what I can tell, it's identical to the purge.bats in our WF2 and WF4 installations.
I've tried the different commands inside the "folder options->file types->advanced->new->action->application....." that have been suggested in these forums but it's still non-functional.
One of the posts suggested add a system variable pointing to the load point. I did that, but maybe got the syntax wrong(?).
I've tried copying a work directory out of the shared drive and onto my C:\ and running purge - both the cut and paste method, and the right-click. No dice.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I fear I've gotten so frustrated over this that I'm now missing something obvious.
My purge command now works like a champ.
To David K: Thanks for the Sherpa PDF. I missed that in my search. I changed the right-click command for file folders to match the Sherpa suggestion, just substituted my load point.
To Bob F: Thanks for the pic of your system variable – I re-entered my path to match yours in the likelihood I mistyped something before.
To Richard B: Thanks for the “Purgeit” link. I’m trying it Monday.
Thanks to the rest of you for your suggestions. In 58 minutes I received responses from seven people. That’ll beat the PTC Help Center any day of the week.
1) Add "C:\Program Files\proeWildfire 5.0\bin" (or whatever your ProE install directory) to your path: My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables->System Variables->Edit->Path. Here's what mine looks like:
%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\proeWildfire 5.0\bin2) To add purge.bat to right click menu from an explorer window: Tools->Folder Options->File Types->File Folders->Advanced->New, add a title for your purge operation in "Action Field", then type the complete purge command in the "Application Used" field. Your exact command line might be different but here's what worked for me:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c cd "%1" &"C:\Program Files\proeWildfire 5.0\bin\purge.bat" *
Thanks to all the users who responded.