Hello all,
If you are after 'highlight' functionality then you could use ProSelectionHighlight - PRO_COLOR_DIMMED for all components except the one you wanted to be active...
imho: Pro/Toolkit application knows a target ProMdl already, 'Activate' command is for a GUI user to tell Pro/E what modelto process. The missing functionalityused to bea Pro/Toolkit application had no way ofknowing if an assembly had one of the components in 'active' state. WF5 has a ProNotify event for it. ( it very well could be that I'm not aware of use-case scenario where a Pro/Toolkit application has to activate an assembly component).
In Reply to sergio larrubia:
Bad news for me... Andreas thanks a lot for your quick answer i will try
to do something like you did. Awesome that a simple action as activate an
assembly component can´t be done by using toolkit. May be will be possible
in WF5 or newer ProE versions???
"-" <->
2011-03-09 11:53
Please respond to
"-" <->
Sergio Larrubia/ESABB/ABB@ABB, -
[proecus] - RE: select and activate an assembly component
As far as I know this isn't possible by using Toolkit or one of the other
I had to do the same in one of my applications. What I did was creating a
selection, then added the selection to an empty selection buffer. The
following command was a mapkey (use "edit / activate" command).
Sergio Larrubia <sergio.larrubia@es.abb.com> hat am 9. März 2011 um 10:41
Hello all, i have a question about displaying assembly components.
As you know you can activate a component that belongs to the current
displayed assembly on your ProEngineer window just clicking right button
over the component to activate on he model tree of the current displayed
assembly and then in the popup menu click on "Activate". When you do it,
the component you have selected becomes active and its displayed in solid
view while the non-active components of the assembly are displayed
shadowed. Well what i want to do is same thing but using protoolkit, i
have all the data about the component, this is, the selection object for
the component that i want to activate, the ProAsmcomppath object that
points to it and the top level assembly of the component. But i dont have
found any toolkit function that given this data can perform the activation
of the component. Anyone knows how to do it? I'm using WF4.
Thanks in adavance.