A Gauge is best for displaying a quickly readable approximate value.
Many properties are available that give control over how the Gauge widget will be displayed. Many properties can be changed both statically when designing the mashup, and dynamically in response to changes in property values.
Name | Type | Default | Direction | Description |
Data | Number | None | Input | Value displayed by gauge indicator |
MinValue | Number | 0 | Input | Value used for lowest gauge display |
MaxValue | Number | 100 | Input | Value used for highest gauge display |
Legend | String | None | Input | Text Shown under Gauge |
ToolTipField | String | None | Input | Text shown when mouse hovers over gauge |
Visible | Boolean | True | Input | Widget is visible if set to true |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
DisplayName | String | None | Name used for widget in user-facing interactions |
Description | String | None | Description used for widget in user-facing interactions |
MinorTicks | Number | 4 | Number of minor ticks per interval |
TickLength | Number | 8 | Tick mark length |
MinorTickLength | Number | 4 | Minor tick length |
ValueDisplayMode | None/Top/Bottom/Inside | None | Location on gauge where numeric value is shown. |
LabelDigits | Number | 3 | Number of digits for label display |
LabelDecimals | Number | 0 | Number of decimals for label display |
ValueDigits | Number | 3 | Number of digits for value display |
ValueDecimals | Number | 0 | Number of decimals for value display |
LegendDisplayMode | None/Top/Bottom | None | Location on gauge where Legend is displayed |
ReferenceAngle | Number | 225 | Angle that controls the gauge orientation (degrees) |
Aperture | Number | 270 | Angle that controls the gauge size (degrees) |
NeedleDiameter | Number | 10 | Diameter of the gauge needle (pixels) |
CenterDiameter | Number | 20 | Diameter of the gauge center (pixels) |
GaugeBorder | Number | 20 | Width of the outside gauge border (pixels) |
A Grid Advanced widget is used to display data to a mashup user in a table
Before you can customize the Grid display, you must first bind an Infotable to the Grid's Data property. In this example we will use the QueryImplementingThingsWithData Service to bind a group of Things created with the same Template.
We have created a file with sample entities for this exercise.
NOTE: The Grid widget now shows Property names in the column headers.
15. Click the drop down in the upper left of the Grid widget, then click Configure Grid Columns to show the Configure Grid Columns pop-up.
16. Uncheck the check box next to the property names in the left-hand panel that you don't want shown in the Grid.
NOTE: You can drag and drop the property names to change the display order. You can customize Column names and formatting by making changes in this window.
17. Click Done when you are satisfied with the column formatting options.
18. Click Save to save your Mashup.
19. Click View Mashup.
In addition to properties that give control over how a Grid widget will be displayed, the scroll position of a Grid can be read in the CurrentScrollTop property and can be set with the ScrollTop property.
Name | Type | Default | Direction | Description |
Data | Infotable | None | Input | The data that is displayed in the Grid |
EditedTable | Infotable | None | Output | The data that is in the Grid after a user edit |
CurrentScrollTop | Number | 0 | Output | How far down (in pixels from the top of the full data list) the Grid is currently scrolled |
ScrollTop | Number | 0 | Input | How far down (in pixels from the top of the full data list) the Grid will be scrolled. |
Visible | boolean | true | Input | Widget is visible if set to true |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
DisplayName | String | None | Name used for widget in user facing interactions |
Description | String | None | Description used for widget in user facing interactions |
RowFormat | StateDefinition | None | Specify a State Formatter to control display of the data in each grid row |
AlignHeader | Boolean | False | When enabled, align column headers with their data |
MultiSelect | Boolean | False | allow multiple items to be selected |
IsEditable | Boolean | False | Allow grid value editing in Configure Grid Columns pop-up |
AutoSelectFirstRow | Boolean | False | Automatically select the first row upon initial loading of data. |
CellTextWrapping | Boolean | False | Enable or disable text wrapping within the grid cells. |
TabSequence | Number | 0 | Tab sequence index |
Name | Description |
DoubleClicked | Fired when user double clicks on the grid |
Congratulations on completing the guide!
The next guide in the Customize UI and Display Options to Deploy Applications learning path is Define Your UI Style.
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