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Altering programmes


Altering programmes

HI eveveryone would it annoy you if another programmer changed your program's without mentioning it to you? We have a new programmer who changes ever programme I've done . What procedure does your company have?


Hi Micheal

That is a tuff question, I think the first thing would be to ask what type of company are you working for, small, medium, or large organisation.

My predercessor, wouldn't listen, so every time I fixed thing when I was the holiday back up programmer, he would copy the drive before going on holidays, then simply over write everything I did when he got back, now I am at the helm, and my back up and second in charge who assists me was the original back under my predercessor are working in harmony, we get along fine, mainly because we both have the same training and qualification, and both have a computer programmer background, and we both was operators on the floor under the my predercessor, we are on the same wavelength as to how our system should be used.

It is strange, but he was offered the full time position first, but turned it down, so I have the job of cleaning the system, and Steve assistance is most welcome.

Now your situation is simular to my problem on the floor with the operators, to many operators with knowledge and different views on how things should be done, and they constantly tinker with the programs, or wanting programs done a different way, And every time a supervisor complains about issues with programs, 9 times out of 10, it is because someone has altered the programs.

I have found the best way to stop this dead in the water, is to write a formal standard for machinging pratices, and have it signed off as company procedure.

As for your situation you need to ask what is his motive, does he just have a different view on how it is to be done, can a comprimise be found, or is he out to make a name for himself.

I would suggest, to make back ups of your system first, then try to work with your next in command to manage the situation, and try to formulise the process by written standards on how things are to be done, that are signed off by management, so there is no argument on method.

This job is hard enough when everyone works as a team, it is a nightmare when everyone is working against each other.


Thanks Peter

a very helpfully answer will have a think about what you have said ,its only a small company so hopefully be resolved quickly.


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