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Hello all,
I'm transitioning to Creo Manufacturing and having a few problems with my post processing. Here is the main issue:
The controller I am using is an Anilam 6000M.
When I post-process a CL file for drilling, I get this as an output:
G81 X-4.1791 Y-2.5 Z-.0709 R.0787 F.138
I need it to be in a format without the X x.xxxx Y x.xxxx coordinates on the same line as the G8x call out.
They need to be on the line following the G8x call.
G81 Z-.0709 R.0787 F.138
X-4.1791 Y-2.5
The point is listed in the CL data following that line.
FROM / -106.1500000, -63.5000000, 10.0000000
$$-> SETSTART / -106.1500000, -63.5000000, 10.0000000
CYCLE / DRILL, DEPTH, 1.800000, MMPM, 3.500000, CLEAR, 2.000000
GOTO / -106.1500000, -63.5000000, 0.0000000
GOTO / 106.1500000, -63.5000000, 0.0000000
GOTO / 106.1500000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000
GOTO / -106.1500000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000
GOTO / -106.1500000, 63.5000000, 0.0000000
GOTO / 106.1500000, 63.5000000, 0.0000000
but is output incorrectly.
I have the option in G-Post set to "output the repeat point", but it does nothing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I. Miller
I thought there would be a setting in the NC Post Processor part of the program, the one that loads the "Java Option File Generator". I was wrong, there isn't anything there, that I could see, which would do what you wish.
This likely means you will have to do some FIL code stuff to handle DRILL, PECK, etc. CYCLES. I've not had the pleasure of handling this type of operation, with the exception of some time calculations, and am not sure of the intricacies of doing so. It's possible, but I think I'd want to make sure that any of the common variables that would normally be set by a CYCLE are correctly handled. Tricky.
Your cycle CL data is in couplet form so you can use POSTF(28) and POSTF(29). These functions locate and remove couplets and words, so you may grab the values you need and build the G code line. There will be a bit of coding involved to account for different types of cycles and to output the XY values.
from FIL we use to get the feed rate if in IPM from a cycle. There are GPOST and FIL manual somewhere in you CREO installation or you can order them hardcopy from AustinNC. If you need a lot of post help contacting them would be a good idea.
Ken is correct that there is no option for this in the Option File Generator. It can leave out the XY on the G8x block if it is modal but not add it to the next block. This will need to be done in the FIL file and the best option is to use the _OUTPT macro to edit the existing tape block. If you are not familiar with FIL and/or this macro it will be difficult.
My big concern is that the drilling cycles are modal:
* The initial CYCLE/ DRILL sets the drilling mode "on"
* Subsequent "GOTO" lines just output the new X, Y (and possibly Z) coordinates.
* A final CYCLE/ OFF (?) turns "off" the drilling mode
You'd have to be sure to handle all the different types of drilling cycles (DRILL, PECK, REAM, etc) as well as the accompanying GOTO positions.
It's possible, just not something that can be quickly written here. I'd need to do a lot of testing to be confident I had it right.
Thanks For the input everybody. I'm currently reaching out to some other resources here in the company, and i'll try to update this thread on any good outcome.