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I have a ProNC turning sequence with 2 toolpaths.
I can play them individuallly with Vericut.
How can I play toolpath 1 and toolpath 2 in Vericut in one go?
The easiest way I know of is to open the process manager. highlight the 2 sequences then right click and select NC check
Thanks Nick
That's great!
I am using a full license of Vericut using sync heads, as I program for 4 axis & 6 axis turning vertical borers.
We have a full license for vericut 7.2.1 and I have patched Creo to open the full version instead of the cut down version shipped within Creo.
The full version allows you to create an machine simulation that run the final posted programs instead of the CL file. this runs as if it actually machining on the machine, the cut down version hasn't the machine simulation module in it.
But you have to build a controller file to suit your machine,and that part isn't easy, we paid $5000 to have a machine built, but the controller file is not right, and the persons involved are no longer contactable.
To run two paths instead of the whole operation, I do as Nick has suggested above, but as I run sync heads, first I suppress the build feature in the model tree at the end, I can then rearrange the paths within the process manager to show the correct process order. (running sync heads output the leading head first and trailling head second, so roughing cuts may not run as planned).
I do this after saving the file in the order I want, so I don't have to put things back.